Just with confidence

Waiting, she looks around, not knowing what the outcome behind this door will bring. Will she keep the door closed or is her curiosity for change simply too great? Her hand grips the door handle forcefully, determined to open the door. Then she hears a sound behind the door, powerless her hand slips off the door handle and she hurriedly walks away from the door. Always perfectionist, afraid of failure just to not meet high expectations.

Do you recognize that you always choose a different approach so that you never really learn to improve on the previous approach? With every exam at school or preparing a memo at work, you find that you have to do things completely differently each time. If you have this recurring struggle then chances are you are working from a limiting belief and suffer from an unhealthy perfectionism. A lack of self-confidence comes from fear of making mistakes and then add a touch of perfectionism over it. Hand in hand, low self-esteem and self-confidence walk the corridors of your life. 

For many people, “self-confidence” resembles an elusive monstrosity. Always searching for it but always manages to hide from them. The irony is that it is long housed within yourself. You only have to free yourself. Self-confidence can be further built by taking action within your own area of interest or that fall within your personal skills. Routine strongly reinforces confidence; after all, the power is in repetition. Everything then happens naturally without having to think about it. When you achieve good results as a result of routine, your self-confidence is positively influenced. In this way a positive, self-stimulating circle is created. Therefore, dare to maintain your chosen approach. Don't throw everything away immediately after a bad result. Rather spend your time analyzing where you can improve your chosen approach with small steps.

Purposeful practice' with a clear goal in mind in which the processing of feedback on your approach is central ultimately provides the right steps for improvement. It is precisely these small steps of improvement that ultimately provide the desired result. Whether it concerns an exam, a note or a presentation, at the end of the ride you will have achieved your desired result and you will radiate with self-confidence.

Ruud Olijve

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