Why goal setting is so important.

Do you feel that not enough is happening in your life, that time is slipping past you? That you want to be more successful? You are not the only one, people everywhere wander aimlessly. Because you are basically just floating around aimlessly, you don't get anywhere. You have no destination, no goal. And that's a shame because a goal gives direction to your life. By setting goals, you are actually telling yourself what you want out of your life. Do you think now is the time to take action? Then use the 5 G's below:

Grand Vision:

What drives you? What makes you get out of bed every day? These are essential questions. According to British motivational speaker Simon Simek, everything starts with the WHY. What do you believe in? What are your plans for the next 5-10 years? What do you need to do to realize these plans? Remember, you overestimate what you can change in the next two years and underestimate what you can accomplish in 10 years. Having found the answers to these questions, you can now write down your vision. Review your Grand Vision at least once a year.


You are now going to create your annual goals. These are broken down from your Grand Vision. Many people make the mistake of setting too many goals that also vary widely. Better to have one super goal, it's all about prioritizing. Achieve your goals one at a time and then move on to your next goal. Goals are your mission to achieve your vision. Try it, to choose one. Set goals for each quarter or month.

Game plan:

Now you are going to translate your goals into daily, weekly and monthly activities. What needs to be done?  Activities are always measurable.  For example, if your goal is to run ten kilometers this summer, your “Game plan” is to run two kilometers on Monday, two kilometers on Friday, and so on. Similarly, the farmer knows that you need to sow in the spring to get crops in the summer and then harvest them in September. 


You can learn from other people's mistakes or yourself. From your own mistakes obviously suffer more, so it is better to learn from other people's mistakes. You can get knowledge about this from good books. But do read books again and again, over and over again. Reread instead of buying a new self-help book. The first time reading the book reveals its information, the second time the content sticks. 

Seek guidance for yourself but also mentor others. These are the resources that provide you with progress: coaches, a group where you call each other to discuss progress and goals. Be a leader; you'll help others that way, too. Enlist a coach or mentor for yourself. That way you have immediate access to personal feedback.  

Get it Done:

Stand up, straighten your back. Now is when it matters. Once you set a goal, you are responsible for achieving it. This requires a serious approach because a goal without action otherwise has no value. You are not on the right track if you do not implement goals. Start right away, even after a bad day or week. Don't succeed? Then go back to step 4. 

Ruud Olijve

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