Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is a tool to help you understand a business model, in a simple and structured way. Using this canvas leads to insights about the customers you serve, what value propositions are offered through which channels, and how your business makes money.


± 90 minutes



± 4-6



How to use the Business Model Canvas?

The 9 building blocks are often listed on a large (paper) fill-in sheet. You can hang that up and fill it out while brainstorming. Preferably do this together with others. For example, with your employees or collaboration partners. In this way you make use of each other's ideas and vision. First describe the existing situation. Then you make strategic choices and see what changes in direction mean for your company. Answer questions such as:

  • What if we choose a different strategy?
  • What if the most important customer drops out?
  • What do we want to invest in?

Think about this together and discuss and debate different options. The model forces you to formulate concrete steps. Always start with the customer and your value proposition. What makes your company unique and distinctive from the rest? On the left side of the form describe your cooperation partners, activities and other resources. On the right side you describe the market, your customers, the relationship you have with them and the channels to reach them. Finally, the financial story comes in: the costs you incur and the revenues.

You can also learn a lot from your competition. Pick some competitors and map out their business models. Armed with this information, you will have deep insight into what customers want and what they are willing to pay for. You'll get a clearer picture of what customers' needs are in your industry. And you discover vital information about how other companies have created their own place in the marketplace.

As a final step, link the building blocks together. Link the building blocks: each value proposition needs a customer segment and a revenue stream! When everything is on the board, take a step back. Take a short break. Did you miss something? Forgot something?

Arrange in advance:

  1. Assemble the right team
  2. Reserve a large piece of wall or space
  3. Print or draw the canvas on a large sheet of paper
  4. Have plenty of Post-it's and markers at the ready
  5. Allow yourself undisturbed time