Jobs to be Done (JTBD)

Helping a product team see a market through a Jobs-to-be-Done lens is often a transformational experience. This training canvas can help drive that transformation — and company growth.


± 120 minutes



± 4-6


Clayton Christensen - Ruud Olijve

How to use the Jobs to be Done (JTBD)?

Since User Stories usually don't work, there is a better alternative: Job stories. Job stories were developed by Intercom, and stem from the "Jobs To Be Done" philosophy, which assumes that users don't want features or products, but that they want a problem solved. At first glance, a "job story" looks pretty much like a "user story. So why does this little tweak make such a big difference? That's because Job stories shift the focus from customer-oriented to task-oriented.

Arrange in advance:

  1. Assemble the right team
  2. Reserve a large piece of wall or space
  3. Print or draw the canvas on a large sheet of paper
  4. Have plenty of Post-it's and markers ready
  5. Allow yourself undisturbed time