Sales Sprint Canvas

In a sales design sprint, you'll spend 6 weeks working through the key steps towards a fully implemented new sales process. In the program we will look at how you can become more relevant to your customer and how you can ensure that customers continuously find their way to your product or service. This will ultimately result in a sales process that improves your organization's position of authority in the market, sells more efficiently and effectively and grows faster.


± 90 minutes



± 1-3


Ruud Olijve

How to use the Sales Sprint Canvas?

The importance of sales sprints lies in their ability to help sales teams stay focused, prioritize their efforts, and make progress on important tasks. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable chunks and working on them in a focused and organized way, sales teams can stay on track and make steady progress towards their objectives.

Sales sprints sound straightforward, and they are. However, successful implementation takes work. To be effective, sales sprints must be embedded into the operating rhythm of an organization; they can’t pile on more administrative duties for sales teams. Sprints work best when the effort is supported by a centralized digital platform that connects the approach to sales management programs including pipeline management, goal setting, coaching, and rewards. Further, sales managers must collaborate with their peers across the organization to bring insights and experiences to each sprint conversation.

The Sales Sprint Canvas gives a quick overview of key sales outputs. It helps the facilitator keep a helicopter view of the Sprint progress. And it's a quick and easy way to share the results of the Sprint with stakeholders. Ultimately, the canvas is your Sales Sprint snapshot. Ordered key segments make it easy to follow the progression and connections between the key elements of the Sales Sprint. The canvas helps the facilitator to ensure the quality and coherence of the Sprint outputs.

Common Sales mistakes that the Sales Sprint Canvas helps to avoid:

  • Missing challenge statement

  • Missing target customer(s)

  • The Long-term Goal is too abstract and is more like a vision

  • Sprint Questions do not contain explicit/implicit assumptions relevant to the Long-term Goal

  • Solutions do not follow Sprint Questions

  • Missing next steps